APUA boasts of hosting the Caribbean’s most prestigious Summer Internship Programme (SIP), offering tertiary level students a practical job experience in their field of study. Our annual 6 week work experience and life skills programme usually runs between the months of June and July. We select a small group of applicants who are enrolled in their final year of tertiary education or have recently graduated to participate. In an effort to assist in the professional development of every applicant, all are invited to interview on the Open Day which gives them valuable experience in interviewing. To get better at something, you should do it often. The Open Day provides an opportunity to for applicants to experience and to improve on interviewing skills. Successful applicants from the interview pool are then offered a position in our summer internship program, the most prestigious in the Caribbean.
An important aspect of SIP is the weekly Friday coaching sessions. We recognize that the need to prepare young professionals for the world of work is a holistic process. Therefore, each Friday various professionals from within the Authority and its affiliate organizations coach the students on labour laws, public speaking, business communication and a myriad of other topics.
If you are desirous of doing an internship outside of our formal program please contact our HR Department, sip@apua.ag.