The Antigua Public Utilities Authority is a tripartite government statutory agency set up under the Public Utilities Act No. 10 of 1973 (and subsequently as amended) to ensure that consumers receive the best possible value in Telecommunications (including mobile & internet), Electricity and Water services. Policy formulation and introduction of legislation as required to successfully fulfill APUA’s mission comes from the Minister with responsibility for Public Utilities, who is a member of the Cabinet of Antigua & Barbuda. The day-to-day operation of the organization is vested by the General Manager, who is assisted by a Management Team. Oversight is provided by the Board of Commissioners also appointed by Cabinet.
About APUA
APUA, making the necessary possible
Our Mission
Providing residents with electrical power, telecommunications and water services that are reliable, affordable and of international quality.
Our Vision
A highly engaged and responsive utility company with a knowledgeable and respected work force contributing fully to national, social and economic sustainable development.
Our Promise
We will earn the trust of each customer, every day; We will make each life better, by becoming better, every day; We will protect the future for everyone, by what we do and how we do it.